Evoke deep thought

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We’ve all been forced to adjust schedules,
trim back or stay home from work,
homeschool our kids, lose income,
search for toilet paper, and the list goes on….

It feels like everything is frozen,
like the world has stopped,
Yet our uncertainty has increased!

It is surreal and feels crazy too!
It’s a lot for all of us to
cope with and we want to know
what’s next.

We can’t control the circumstances.

We don’t know how long this will last…

One thing that’s giving me peace is
letting go of everything I want to control.

Letting go of some of the goals I was working
So hard toward

And the lesson of

⭐️ Surrendering ⭐️

is one that keeps coming
up in conversations.

So here’s some of the
questions I’m pondering:

•Am I taking time to rest and
reflect during this quarantine? 🤔

•What will grow during this resting phase?

•How am I Investing vs spending my time?

•How can I infuse love 💕 in my relationships-with myself, my loved ones and with God?

•Am I willing to surrender the outcome
of my goals 🤷🏼‍♀️ and embrace the
lessons learned along the journey?

•Now what? What is next?

•What do I need to let go of?

•What do I need to grow?

•What am I grateful for?

•Who will I check on and connect with today?

🤩What would you add to this list?

What are your insights so far
during these unsettling times?

Beyond the Corona Quarantine?

March 27, 2020

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